Friday 15 February 2019

Port Damali

Port Damali is the largest of the city-state ports on the Menagerie Coast. It is located near the southwest coast of The Shearing Channel in Wildemount, and west of the ruins of Draconia. 

It has a strong connection with the Myriad, to the point that it is allegedly run by them. Though "most anything is legal" in Port Damali, it is still a member of the Clovis Concord.

Note: In our campaign, Port Damali is "inspired" by the city of Waterdeep, so you may find references about Waterdeep while we discuss Port Damali. Just ignore the word "Waterdeep", and substitute with "Port Damali". It's all in your mind.

[The Code Legal]
[Map of Port Damali]
[Interactive Map]

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