Sunday 10 February 2019

Session 1

Heroes: Cade, Drageth, Finn, Jorg, Psol

The Heroes are in the White Duke, a tavern in the Dock Ward of Port Damali. They witness an altercation between a half-orc woman (Yagra) and a group of five thugs.

They intervene to help out Yagra, knocking out a couple of thugs, and sending the rest running. When they ask the half-orc about the reason of the attack, she explains that the attackers are members of a criminal syndicate called "the Xanathar". She had encountered a few of them in the past, and beat them to a pulp. Apparently these goons were trying to get revenge on her.

The Heroes' actions attract the attention of one of the patrons of the tavern, a gnome bard going by the name of Scanlan Shorthalt. He hires the PCs to find his missing friend, Floon Blagmaar; he fears the man was kidnappend a couple of nights before, somewhere around the Skewered Dragon tavern, also in the Dock Ward.

The party loses no time to investigate, and they make their way to the Skewered Dragon. On the road they witness a squad of city guards apprehending a few criminals involved in a street fight, and they pass by a curios' shop, Old Xoblob Shop, an establishment run by a wizened gnome with an obsession for purple items.

The Heroes make some shopping, and ask the gnome regarding Floon. The gnome confirms he saw a man matching the description of Floon having a fight with some thugs a couple of days before, just outside his shop. The man was not alone, together with him was "his brother", or at least someone who looked a lot like a sibling.

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