Sunday, 24 March 2019

Session 3

Heroes: Cade, Drageth, Finn, Jorg, Psol

Together with Ranaer, the party enters the sewers of Port Damali, still on the search for Floon. Drageth scouts ahead in rat form, eventually spotting a tentacled, flying creature (a gazer) guarding the tunnels. The PCs attack the creature and kill it. Not far from that position, they find the entrance to the Xanathar's hidehout.

A couple of goblins hiding behind arrow slits pellet them with bolts, but the PCs rapidly find cover and enter the hideout. They fight a few members of the guild, among them a dark dwarf and a human named Krentz, a thug they met a few days back in the White Duke Tavern. The PCs kill the dwarf and capture Krentz. From him they learn that Floon is indeed kept prisoner in a nearby room.

The PCs find Floon tied to a chair, while he's been interrogated by an half-orc wizard named Grum'shar. In the same room, an aberrant creature with a tentacled head (the mind flayer Nihiloor) witnesses the scene, holding in his hands a disembodied brain with legs (an intellect devourer)!

The mind flayer seems bored by the whole situation, and leaves the room, to then activate a teleporting device in an adjacent room. As he leaves, Grum'shar and the intellect devourer attack the party. After a deadly fight the heroes emerge victorious, and free Floon. 

The party leaves the sewers, and after some rest (and a long bath) they go to meet Scanlan at the White Duke to collect their reward. But Scanlan has a surprise for them.

It seems the gnome doensn't have the money he promised them, but something even better. The deed to Trollskull Manor, a vast property in the North Ward. Rumors say that the former tavern and house are haunted by ghosts, something the Heroes only learn after they've signed the deed, becoming the new owners of the manor.

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