Sunday, 24 February 2019

Session 2

Kenku Ambush!
Heroes: Cade, Drageth, Finn, Jorg, Psol

The party leaves Old Xoblob Shop, and proceed to the Skewered Dragon. The tavern is a ruin, and its patrons are all thugs and criminals. The Heroes ask a few questions around, still searching for Floon. After an "interesting" round of Three-Dragon-Ante, the party is directed to a warehouse on Candle Lane.

When the party reaches the warehouse, they pick the lock to the main door, and enter. Inside they find four kenku (raven-folk) ready to ambush them. They defeat the kenku and capture one. Following a short interrogation, they notice several corpses littering the floor of the warehouse, both Myriad's and Xanathar's thugs. It seems they have arrived not long after a fight between the two gangs.

They also discover a young man imprisoned in a storage room. This is Renaer Neverember, son of the former Open Lord of Porta Damali, and a good friend of Floon. Renaer recounts what he knows:

"The Myriad thinks that my father embezzled a large amount of gold while he was Open Lord, and that he hid the dragons somewhere in the city. They think they can find it by using an artifact called the Stone of Golorr, which was in the hands of the Xanathar Guild until recently. Apparently, someone stole it. The Myriad thought I knew something about all of this, but I don't. My father and I haven't spoken in years."

He fears Floon was abducted by the Xanathar due to his resemblance to Renaer. He has overheard that the Xanathar brought him somewhere in the sewers. 

While the PCs discuss things with Ranear, the City Watch arrives on the scene, led by Captain Hyustus Staget. Thanks to the presence of the nobleman the party is let go with a warning to not interfere further with the official business of the Watch. The party retires for the night, planning their explorations of the sewers.

Hyustus Staget

Hyustus Staget is a captain of the City Watch in the Dock Ward of Port Damali. He truly believes in his work to protect the good people of the Dock Ward. He does not care if the Myriad and Xanathar minions kill each other.

Renaer Neverember

Renaer Neverember is a noble member of the Neverember family, and son of the former Open Lord of Port Damali, Dagult Neverember.

The Party saved him from the clutches of the Myriad.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Xanathar's Thieves Guild

This criminal/slaver network is one of the most powerful on the Menagerie Coast and often acts as a buffer against other evil organisations unintentionally. They have a massive stronghold on Skullport Island, but are otherwise largely active in Port Damali.


Human, Moon Druid

There's nothing I like more than a good mistery.

Ideals. What is beautiful points us beyond itself towards what is true.

Bonds. I have an ancient text that holds a terrible secret that must not fall into the wrong hands.

Flaws. Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilization.


Lightfoot Halfling, Bard

I know a story relevant to almost every situation.

Ideals. Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we really are.

Bonds. I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds against that person's.

Flaws. I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden, my sharp tongue lends me in trouble.


Tiefling, Rogue

I don’t like to get my hands dirty, and I won’t be caught dead in unsuitable accommodations. 

Ideals. Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family. 

Bonds. Nothing is more important than the other members of my family. 

Flaws. In fact, the world does revolve around me.


Goliath, Storm Sorcerer

I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings.

Ideals. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble.

Bonds.  I’m still seeking the enlightenment I pursued in my 
seclusion, and it still eludes me.

Flaws. Obsessive cleanliness. I like to take notes during stressful situations.


Rock Gnome, Fighter

I'm willing to listen every side of the story before judging.

Ideals. Greater Good. Defende the others.

Bonds. My mentor. Although I gave up my studies, I don't want to fail him and I keep studying.

Flaws. My hatred for my enemies is blind and unreasoning.

Port Damali

Port Damali is the largest of the city-state ports on the Menagerie Coast. It is located near the southwest coast of The Shearing Channel in Wildemount, and west of the ruins of Draconia. 

It has a strong connection with the Myriad, to the point that it is allegedly run by them. Though "most anything is legal" in Port Damali, it is still a member of the Clovis Concord.

Note: In our campaign, Port Damali is "inspired" by the city of Waterdeep, so you may find references about Waterdeep while we discuss Port Damali. Just ignore the word "Waterdeep", and substitute with "Port Damali". It's all in your mind.

[The Code Legal]
[Map of Port Damali]
[Interactive Map]

The Myriad

The Myriad (also known as "The Many") is an organized crime syndicate originating from Wildemount. While they are only just becoming known in Tal'Dorei, they are the greatest organized crime ring in their home continent.


Xoblob survived the detonation of a gas spore in the Underdark, which caused him to inherit a few beholder mannerisms and memories. Driven by a compulsion for power, the deep gnome settled in Port Damali and bought the Old Xoblob Shop.

First he tried to rename the shop after himself but everyone kept calling it the Old Xoblob Shop. So he decided instead to restore the old name and changed his personal name to Xoblob.

Yagra Stonefist

An half-orc thug with ties with Port Damali crime scene. The Heroes helped her fight some Xanathar thugs in the White Duke tavern.

Scanlan Shorthalt

Scanlan is gnome bard, adventurer, and womanizer. He enjoys spending his time in the taverns of Port Damali, looking for some entertainment.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Session 1

Heroes: Cade, Drageth, Finn, Jorg, Psol

The Heroes are in the White Duke, a tavern in the Dock Ward of Port Damali. They witness an altercation between a half-orc woman (Yagra) and a group of five thugs.

They intervene to help out Yagra, knocking out a couple of thugs, and sending the rest running. When they ask the half-orc about the reason of the attack, she explains that the attackers are members of a criminal syndicate called "the Xanathar". She had encountered a few of them in the past, and beat them to a pulp. Apparently these goons were trying to get revenge on her.

The Heroes' actions attract the attention of one of the patrons of the tavern, a gnome bard going by the name of Scanlan Shorthalt. He hires the PCs to find his missing friend, Floon Blagmaar; he fears the man was kidnappend a couple of nights before, somewhere around the Skewered Dragon tavern, also in the Dock Ward.

The party loses no time to investigate, and they make their way to the Skewered Dragon. On the road they witness a squad of city guards apprehending a few criminals involved in a street fight, and they pass by a curios' shop, Old Xoblob Shop, an establishment run by a wizened gnome with an obsession for purple items.

The Heroes make some shopping, and ask the gnome regarding Floon. The gnome confirms he saw a man matching the description of Floon having a fight with some thugs a couple of days before, just outside his shop. The man was not alone, together with him was "his brother", or at least someone who looked a lot like a sibling.